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Why are there so many Brahmin freedom fighters?

This article is from a series of Questions asked on the internet and answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar   All battles for freedom are not on equal moral plane for the simple reason that the motives and purposes behind these battles of…

What is the meaning of the word Hindu?

(IN HINDI- Origin of the term Hindu watch from  5min 15sec  to  9min) Apologies for the video in Hindi. The speaker is a Brahmin scholar. I am deliberately avoiding referring to him as a Hindu. Reason for the video: It has some…

If  Hindu is a geographical term then how do non Muslim Indians prefer to be called What terms are there for defining them?

This article is from a series of Questions asked on the internet and answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar   If "Hindu" is a geographical term, then how do non-Muslim Indians prefer to be called? What terms are there for defi…

QUESTION 11: What is Hinduism in just few words?

QUESTION 11:  What is Hinduism in just few words?? Answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar     Hinduism = Jatism (Casteism) AND Jatism/Casteism = Hinduism (Jati is commonly but not precisely translated as caste). I am equating Hind…

QUESTION 9: Why should Hindu Identity be given up?

QUESTION 9: Why should Hindu Identity be given up? Answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar I suggest we should ban the word "Hindu" from our vocabulary altogether. Especially to MAKE A POINT to those SCs who identify themse…

QUESTION 4:  What is the difference between Neo dalits and Pseudo Dalits?

Question 4: What is the difference between Neo dalits and Pseudo Dalits? ANSWER  by  Shekhar Bodhakar Once you understand what the word "dalit" means, you will realize that the term "Neo-Dalit" makes…

QUESTION 3: How can we unite Dalits all over India & world?

QUESTION 3: How can we unite Dalits all over India & world? Time to Organize. ANSWER  by  Shekhar Bodhakar : WHY DO YOU WANT THE SO-CALLED “DALITS” TO UNITE ANYWAY AND AGAINST WHOM? The exact meaning of the word “DALIT” is …

Who can replace Gandhi on Indian currency note?

The following article is from a series of Questions answered by   Mr. Shekhar Bodhakar I have read most of the other   answers to this question and  ALMOST ALL HAVE BEEN ANSWERED INCORRECTLY.  The questioner is not asking (though…