This article is from a series of Questions asked on the internet and answered by Shekhar Bodhakar 

If "Hindu" is a geographical term, then how do non-Muslim Indians prefer to be called?

What terms are there for defining them?

There is a term that defines all Indians and that is..


Hindus were the citizens of a land called Hindustan.

“Hindu” is no more anyones geographic identity. It WAS, once upon a time, a geographic identity. .That was until the disintegration of Hindustan into Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal etc. The citizens of the disintegrated Hindustan are now called Pakistani, Indian, Nepalese, Burmese etc

Just as, once there waa a Soviet Union and its citizens, the Soviets;

So was Hindustan with its citizens called Hindus.

Just as the Soviets ceased to exist as soon as there was no more a Soviet Union after its split into several independent states;

So did the Hindus cease to exist as soon as there was no more a Hindustan after its split into several independent states

Just as the Soviets of Soviet Union became Russians, Ukrainians etc,

So did the Hindus of Hindustan became Pakistanis, Indians, Nepalis etc

There are no more Hindus as a geographic identity just as there are no more Soviets as a geographic identity.

Soviets and Hindus ceased to exist as soon as Soviet Union and Hindustan ceased to exist.


Also Read:

1. What is the meaning of the word Hindu?

2. Why should Hindu Identity be given up?

3. Why the scheduled castes and tribes are not Hindu?

4. Is Hinduism a religion or a way of life?