Showing posts with the label DalitsShow all
Do Dalits in India consider themselves Hindus?

Do Dalits in India consider themselves Hindus? The question needs to be understood before it is answered. If you really understood   what a “dalit” is and what a :Hindu” was, I doubt whether you would ask this question. Please do…

When will another Dalit leader like Dr. B. R. Ambedkar rise?

This article is from a series of Questions asked on the internet and answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar Depends on your understanding of the word ‘dalit’, the answer to your question is NEVER. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was a dalit who stopped…

QUESTION 9: Why should Hindu Identity be given up?

QUESTION 9: Why should Hindu Identity be given up? Answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar I suggest we should ban the word "Hindu" from our vocabulary altogether. Especially to MAKE A POINT to those SCs who identify themse…

QUESTION 4:  What is the difference between Neo dalits and Pseudo Dalits?

Question 4: What is the difference between Neo dalits and Pseudo Dalits? ANSWER  by  Shekhar Bodhakar Once you understand what the word "dalit" means, you will realize that the term "Neo-Dalit" makes…

QUESTION 3: How can we unite Dalits all over India & world?

QUESTION 3: How can we unite Dalits all over India & world? Time to Organize. ANSWER  by  Shekhar Bodhakar : WHY DO YOU WANT THE SO-CALLED “DALITS” TO UNITE ANYWAY AND AGAINST WHOM? The exact meaning of the word “DALIT” is …

THOUSANDS of brutal killings of SCs, STs and minorities don't buzz these sections of people like the ONE George Floyd killing that has ignited and agitated the Blacks of US and rest of the world against his killing.WHY?

The "Avarna Untouchables" and other minorities are not insensitive, unconcerned and non-committed towards their own rights and obligations. However, many are not aware about dead (ineffective) minority movements and the…