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QUESTION 12:  Which pandemic affected the most people?

QUESTION: Which pandemic affected the most people? ANSWER:      THE LONGEST LASTING PANDEMIC. There is an infectious disease that is passed on from generation to generation and attacks the Right Supramarginal Gyrus in the…

QUESTION 11: What is Hinduism in just few words?

QUESTION 11:  What is Hinduism in just few words?? Answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar     Hinduism = Jatism (Casteism) AND Jatism/Casteism = Hinduism (Jati is commonly but not precisely translated as caste). I am equating Hind…

QUESTION 9: Why should Hindu Identity be given up?

QUESTION 9: Why should Hindu Identity be given up? Answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar I suggest we should ban the word "Hindu" from our vocabulary altogether. Especially to MAKE A POINT to those SCs who identify themse…

QUESTION 6: Who are the biggest hypocrites in modern India?

QUESTION 6: Who are the biggest hypocrites in modern India?  Answered by Shekhar Bodhakar I think Mr M.K. Gandhi may have been somewhat right on this occasion. That would've been a welcoming side effect but wasn't the ai…

QUESTION 5:  What is the first and main condition laid out by Dr.Ambedkar to create a casteless society?

QUESTION 5:  What is the first and main condition laid out by Dr.Ambedkar to create a casteless society? ANSWER by  Shekhar Bodhakar There is no condition laid out for going casteless. You going casteless (i.e. leaving the Hindu …

QUESTION 4:  What is the difference between Neo dalits and Pseudo Dalits?

Question 4: What is the difference between Neo dalits and Pseudo Dalits? ANSWER  by  Shekhar Bodhakar Once you understand what the word "dalit" means, you will realize that the term "Neo-Dalit" makes…

QUESTION 3: How can we unite Dalits all over India & world?

QUESTION 3: How can we unite Dalits all over India & world? Time to Organize. ANSWER  by  Shekhar Bodhakar : WHY DO YOU WANT THE SO-CALLED “DALITS” TO UNITE ANYWAY AND AGAINST WHOM? The exact meaning of the word “DALIT” is …

QUESTION 2: Isn't it wrong to call 6th December "MahaPariNibbana" Day of Bodhisatta Dr. Ambedkar?

डॉक्टर अम्बेडकर का महापरिनिब्बान या महापरिनिवत्त - जानिए 6 DEC - Sudhir Raj Singh QUESTION 2: Isn't it wrong to call 6th December "MahaPariNibbana" Day of Bodhisatta Dr. Ambedkar? डॉक्टर अम्बेडकर का निब्…

 QUESTION 1: As a practicing Buddhist, can you lie to save a life and can you mortally wound someone who is trying to kill you

Question  1 : As a practicing Buddhist, can you lie to save a life and can you mortally wound someone who is trying to kill you? Answer  by  Shekhar Bodhakar : “Can you?” is not same as “should You?” Can you?.. of cou…

QUESTION 10: Can the caste system be eradicated from India? If so, how?

QUESTION 10:  "Can the caste system be eradicated from India? If so, how?" Answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar That's a great ‘two in one’ question. Asking this question implies that you have a desire to end the caste s…