What is the Indian caste system and how does it work?

Question details: As an American, I am completely unfamiliar with Indian culture and have a hard time understanding what the caste system is and why it exists. Could someone provide an overview? Answer details: I assume you mean:…

What is casteomania?

Meaning of Casteomania and related words.. CASTEOMANIA (Pronunciation; kaas-chee-o-main-i-aa):  A psychological condition in which a person believes she/he has a jāti (commonly known as caste). CASTEOMANIAC (Pronunciation; kaas-c…

BBC HINDI Video exposes the secrets in the Manusmriti, an archaic book of draconian anti - humanity laws

What is Hinduism? Can it be defined?

Hinduism = Jatism (Casteism) AND Jatism/Casteism = Hinduism (Jati is commonly but not precisely translated as caste). I am equating Hinduism with Jatism/cast e ism because: 1. If you ask  ANY  person who professes to follow Hindu…

A Short Review of Periyar

The man who imparted the importance of Self Respect to the people who were slaved for centuries Vaikom hero The man who challenged the Brahmanical hegemony The man whom Brahmins fear The man whom RAMA fears the most The man who o…

Joint letter to UN by dozens of international human right organisations and three UK MPs: Urge PM Modi to dismiss CM Yogi and set up an international enquiry into the Hathras rape case

Over 30 feminist groups in the UK and many other diaspora organisations, along with MPs John McDonnell, Apsana Begum, and Kim Johnson, have written to UN Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet asking her to: Urge Prime Min…

QUESTION 7: डॉ अंबेडकर की इच्छा के अनुसार १० वर्षों के बाद भी आरक्षण व्यवस्था को समाप्त क्यों नहीं किया गया है?

QUESTION 7: डॉ अंबेडकर की इच्छा के अनुसार १० वर्षों के बाद भी आरक्षण व्यवस्था को समाप्त क्यों नहीं किया गया है? Answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar   यह मात्र एक मिथ्य अवधारणा है कि आरक्षण केवल १० वर्षों के लिए ही बनाया गया था। आरक्ष…

QUESTION 8: क्या भीमराव अम्बेडकर को भारत में आरक्षण के लिए दोषी ठहराया जा सकता है?

QUESTION 8: क्या भीमराव अम्बेडकर को भारत में आरक्षण के लिए दोषी ठहराया जा सकता है? Answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar   यह आपके लिए आश्चर्य की बात हो सकती है परन्तु डॉ आंबेडकर आरक्षण व्यवस्था चाहते ही नहीं थे बल्कि कस्तूरबा गांधी के न…