The following article is from a series of questions answered by Mr. Shekhar Bodhakar

. There are TWO main reasons why Mr. Gandhi's portrait should be replaced by Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar’s portrait on the Indian currency.

1. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar is recognised as the father of the Indian constitution and therefore “The Founding Father of Modern India”, a title conferred upon Dr Ambedkar by Columbia University for his role in authoring the Indian constitution .

2. Dr. Ambedkar was instrumental in the formation of the Reserve bank of India (RBI). Mr Gandhi played no role in this whatsoever. The RBI was established based on Dr Ambedkar’s works and his book named “The Problem of the Rupee – Its origin and its solution.”

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Apart from the two main reasons, there are other reasons too..

As the world gets to discover more about the real Gandhi, his thoughts and actions, he is rapidly losing this image as a saint, the super soul, the Mahatma. His statues are being removed from academic institutions around the world for his racist and casteist views. Ghana university being the latest at the time of writing. (See Organization for Minorities of India and Shocking Truth About Gandhi).

Dr. Ambedkar, on the other hand, has won the hearts of many millions more people than Mr. Gandhi and is rapidly gaining worldwide popularity he deserves as the champion of human and women's rights and is rightly being recognised as the founding father of modern India

Dr. Ambedkar earned a special place in the hearts of the poor and the deprived, the downtrodden victims of grave atrocities, the oppressed and the suppressed, the mentally crushed and broken, the women and widows, the workers, the orphans, and the disabled.

It is no surprise that for this reason, the masses began to refer to Ambedkar-the-Great as Babasaheb, meaning respected father (grandfather in some areas) for he attended to their needs as any loving father with a large family would do in his struggle for freedom from all dictators and injustice, Why on earth would anyone not want Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s image on the national currency ?

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Who can replace Gandhi on Indian currency note?