Deepdanutsav is NOT a day of CELEBRATION for Buddhists

Some Buddhists have replaced Diwali with the CELEBRATION of what they call Deepdan Utsav.

Diwali is a spring festival. Then why is it celebrated in winter?

Deepdanutsav (symbolic representation: a lit candle/s or dipa) is NOT A DAY OF CELEBRATION for Buddhists but a day of thinking, reflection, learning, teaching & meditating (as should most days be).. 

Dipa= light (wisdom/knowledge) and

Dana= giving without expecting a reward

So Deepa-dana is "freely imparting/sharing/giving knowledge/wisdom without expecting anything in return. It's NOT an utsav, NOT a festival to be celebrated. 

It was a day in the Buddhist calander when the Enlightened Ven Maha Moggallana was killed. Celebrate Diwali in any form and you'll be celebrating the murder of a great bhikkhu who served the Buddha, Ven Bhante Moggallana

On this day, let's pay a tribute to the great Bhikkhu by contemplating on a Sutta dedicated in his name, the MOGGALLANA SUTTA

It is my understanding that Diwali is chosen to be celebrated on this day in the month of Karthik (oct/nov) to divert attention from the above facts. (The Brahmanic festival of Diwali according to some intellectuals is supposed to fall in the month of vaisak)

Deepdanutsav on Kartik Amawassya is also said to be a day when the Buddha first visited his pre-enlightenment family home., which is no big reason to celebrate. BTW this happened in the month of Phalgun' around March. This is the main error even in the video attached to this post, which again diverts attention from the murder of Ven Moggallana.

Furthermore, if anyone has any reference of Babasaheb Ambedkar celebrating this day, please forward it to me. If not, then please spread this message.

 Author: Shekhar Bodhakar