Our aim is to raise awareness about the evils of the caste system and to encourage individuals who believe they belong to a jati, to shed their jati identities and aim towards a jatiless casteless society by:

1. Raising awareness regarding dangers of such a mindset
2. Raising awareness of *WHY* jati must be annihilated
3. Raising awareness of *HOW* jati can be annihilated
4.Raising awareness of *WHY* we are not progressing towards AoJ, the dream of many great Indian social reformers
5. Understand words and phrases in relation to AoJ (Caste and jati itself being two of those words).
6. Give support & guidance to those who are committed to annihilating jati from within themselves and from society at large, by encouraging Q&A sessions
Jatism (Casteism) exists because the BELIEF that ‘one belongs to a jati (caste)’ exists. This CONCEPT of belonging to a jati/caste must be annihilated, firstly from the minds of the victims.
Equality, Liberty, Fraternity and justice, the ideals etched in preamble to the Indian constitution, is impossible to maintain in a society which has a jati system.
Only COMPLETE Annihilation of caste (AoC) will end casteism. If there are no jatis, there cannot be jati discrimination.
The jati system is the most vile system of social control in Indian history. It's a mammoth task to eradicate it. By 'complete' annihilation we mean completely eradicating it ALSO from the psyche of those who (mainly from low jatis), yet understand and want to reject the caste system but, subconsciously continue to behave as if belonging to a particular jati. Brainwashed to the core, they develop caste behaviour.
Annihilation of jati/caste (AoJ) means to sever ALL emotional ties with the jati that your ancestors were MADE TO BELIEVE they belonged to.
Caste victims need to ask themselves the question, “In modern society, is there ANY benefit of having a caste identity?” and continually keep asking that question until caste is annihilated from within themselves.
Equality, Liberty, Fraternity and justice, the ideals etched in preamble to the Indian constitution, is impossible to maintain in a society which has a jati system.