Showing posts with the label Questions by Ambedkar CriticsShow all
When will another Dalit leader like Dr. B. R. Ambedkar rise?

This article is from a series of Questions asked on the internet and answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar Depends on your understanding of the word ‘dalit’, the answer to your question is NEVER. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was a dalit who stopped…

Was Indira Gandhi far more intelligent and educated than Dr. B. R. Ambedkar for having added secularism to the constitution?

The following art i cle i s from a ser i es of questions asked by Dr. Ambedkar cr i t i cs and answered by Mr. Shekhar Bodhakar   This is the original preamble to the Constitution of India. …

What was Harijan (Dalit) leader B .R. Ambedkar’s frank views on Islam? Why did he reject Islam?

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Such questions are being asked on several internet platforms. The intention behind each of the questions is to belittle Dr Ambedkar. With this in mind the author  Shekhar Bodhakar , answers. QUESTION: What was Har…

Why did Dr. B. R. Ambedkar reject the case of Bhagat Singh ?

Follow i ng  i s the answer by Pavel to the quest i on asked by Dr.  Ambedkar critics - Castout Castes   When did Dr. Ambedkar reject the case and who asked him to defend Bhagat Singh? A surge in questions on why Ambedkar did…