Showing posts with the label Dr. B. R. AmbedkarShow all
When will another Dalit leader like Dr. B. R. Ambedkar rise?

This article is from a series of Questions asked on the internet and answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar Depends on your understanding of the word ‘dalit’, the answer to your question is NEVER. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was a dalit who stopped…

Why are there so many Brahmin freedom fighters?

This article is from a series of Questions asked on the internet and answered by  Shekhar Bodhakar   All battles for freedom are not on equal moral plane for the simple reason that the motives and purposes behind these battles of…

Rebuttal to claims made by anti –Periyarists and Ambedkar in, ‘Why TamBrahmins hate Periyar and love Dr. Ambedkar?

By default, it is extremely difficult if not impossible for Tamil Brahmins to accept either of the two greats, Dr.Ambedkar or Periyar. This question is a deliberate attempt to saffronise Dr.Ambedkar and vilify Periyar. Most…